SkyPro conference

Clean air research at the University of Oulu

June 3rd, 2010
University of Oulu, Saalastinsali



SkyPro conference programme


Opening the seminar Prof. Taina Pihlajaniemi
Welcome notes on behalf of the SkyPro project Prof. Riitta Keiski
North-Ostrobothnia Climate Change Strategy Satu Himanen,
Council of Oulu Region
Keynote of SkyPro member companies Toni Kinnunen,
Ecocat Oy

Session I: Air quality, environmental and health impacts

Keynote 1: The impact of climate change on pollutant transfer in the Arctic Prof. Arja Rautio
Experimental studies on plant stress in response to atmospheric changes in Northern Finland
Prof. Kari Taulavuori
Airborne organic pollutants in Finnish reindeer food chain
Anniina Suutari
Environment and health
Prof. Jouni Jaakola


ession 2: Air pollution abatement

Keynote 2: Catalysis for sustainability & catalytic air pollution abatement Prof. Tapio Salmi
Au-catalysts in the Purification of TRS Emissions

Dr. Satu Ojala

Mechanism study of NH3 adsorption and dissociation on a nano-sized iron cluster

Giorgio Lanzani

Novel Pt/CNT and Pd/CNT catalysts for the low temperature ammonia and ethanol assisted SCR of NO
Anna Avila

Session 3: Measurement and control of air quality

Keynote 3: Trends in sensor development Prof. Anita Spetz
New Selective Gas Sensors Based on Printed Semiconductor Nanoparticles
Prof. Jyrki Lappalainen
FT-IR-iPas - a Tool for Industrial Multicomponent Gas Measurement
Jussi Tenhunen
Use of self-organizing maps in studying ordinary air emission measurements of a power plant
Dr. Kimmo Leppäkoski



Further information:
Satu Pitkäaho,
SkyPro Oulu research coordinator
Department of Process and Environmental Engineering,
90014 University of Oulu, P.O.Box 4300
Tel: 08 553 2374, 040 359 3434,  e-mail: satu.pitkaaho(at)

Eva Pongrácz
NorTech Oulu/Environmental Technology Development Programme
University of Oulu, Thule Instituute, PL 7300
Tel.: 08 553 7417, 040 506 1623, e-mail: eva.pongracz(at)

Conference secretary:
Maarit Hyvärinen

NorTech Oulu