The purpose of the SkyPro conference was to provide a forum for researchers of the
University of Oulu, to introduce their research in
the clean air field and to promote networking among
researchers and with industry. All organizations
working in the field of clean air technologies in
Northern Finland were invited to participate to this
conference, which showcased the multidisciplinary nature of
energy research of the University.
The language of the conference was English consisted of three sessions:
1) Air quality, environmental and health impacts
2) Air pollution abatement
3) Measurement and control of air quality
The presentations of the conference and the publications of the conference proceedings book
are available through the following links.
Conference programme and presentations

Contact information:
Satu Pitkäaho,
SkyPro Oulu
Department of Process and Environmental Engineering,
90014 University of Oulu, P.O.Box 4300
Tel: 08 553 2374, 040 359 3434, e-mail: satu.pitkaaho(at)
Eva Pongrácz
NorTech Oulu/Environmental Technology Development Programme
University of Oulu, Thule Instituute, PL 7300
Tel.: 08 553 7417, 040 506 1623, e-mail: eva.pongracz(at)