Simulating distributed recharge in an unconfined esker aquifer
Pertti Ala-aho, Pekka Rossi and Bjørn Kløve
Freshwater ecology research at Oulanka research station and in Kuusamo
Riku Paavola
Characteristics of suspended sediment in Northern Finland: Spatio-temporal variation and effect of land use
Hannu Marttila and Bjørn Kløve
Effect of soil properties on sediment and nutrient delivery from peat harvesting areas: Preliminary results
Tapio Tuukkanen, Hannu Marttila and Bjørn Kløve
Stable isotope study during snowmelt period in peatland drainage areas: The effect of soil frost
Riku Eskelinen, Anna-Kaisa Ronkanen, Hannu Marttila and Bjørn Kløve
Simulation of Groundwater Level Fluctuations in Forested Peatlands by using DRAINMOD
Shahram Mohammadighavam, Tuomas Saarinen and Bjørn Kløve
Climate Change Impacts on Snowfall Season Duration: A Case Study from Southern Finland
Masoud Irannezhad, Muhammad Kamran Khalid, Anna-Kaisa Ronkanen and Bjørn Kløve
Novel insights into the environmental determinants of water quality in boreal rivers using statistical methods
Sanna Varanka, Jan Hjort and Miska Luoto
Classification of mesohabitat using mesohabitat evaluation model: A case study of Kor River in Iran
Anusha Airi and Ali Torabi Haghighi
Experimental study of the influence of Earth’s electromagnetic radiation on water by electrochemical method
Anton Artamonov, Viacheslav Misin and Vladimir Tsetlin
Optimisation of water treatment methods for the purification of non-point pollution: Evaluation of chemical treatment response to variations in incoming waterquality using a 2k factorial test design
Elisangela Heiderscheidt, Anna-Kaisa Ronkanen and Bjørn Kløve
Flow paths and metal sorption in peatlands polishing mine waters
Katharina Palmer, Anna-Kaisa Ronkanen and Bjørn Kløve
Treatment of synthetic wastewaters from mining industries containing sulfate and arsenic by nanofiltration membranes
Sachin V. Jadhav, Piia Häyrynen, Riitta L. Keiski, Virendra K. Rathod and Ganapati D. Yadav
Catalytic wet oxidation of industrial wastewaters
Anne Heponiemi, Said Azalim, Pekka Tynjälä, Toivo Kuokkanen and Ulla Lassi
Removal of nitrogen compounds from industrial waters by photocatalysis
Minna Pirilä, Anastasia Dubatova, Anna Valtanen, Piia Häyrynen, Mika Huuhtanen and
Riitta L. Keiski
Removal of heavy metals over modified activated carbon residue from biomass gasification
Hanna Runtti, Sari Kilpimaa, Ulla Lassi, Toivo Kuokkanen and Jaakko Rämö
Current applications of electrocoagulation in treatment of different types of water and wastewater
Ville Kuokkanen, Toivo Kuokkanen, Jaakko Rämö and Ulla Lassi
Sulfonated nanocelluloses in wastewater treatments
Terhi Suopajärvi, Henrikki Liimatainen and Jouko Niinimäki
Speciation of small aluminium silicate clusters in aqueous environment
Giorgio Lanzani, Tiina Leiviskä, Satu Huhtakangas, Carole A. Morrison,
Ari P. Seitsonen, Marcella Iannuzzi, Jürg Hutter, Kari Laasonen, Jaakko Rämö and
Simo O.Pehkonen
Nanocellulose as a potential raw material for ultrafiltration membranes
Miikka Visanko, Henrikki Liimatainen and Jouko Niinimäki
Micellar-enhanced ultrafiltration for the simultanous removal of heavy metals from phosphorous-rich real wastewaters
Junkal Landaburu-Aguirre1, Piia Häyrynen, Eva Pongrácz, Riitta L. Keiski
Concentration of nitrogen compounds and heavy metals by a membrane based hybrid process
Piia Häyrynen, Ildikó Galambos, Kinga Szekrényes, Riitta L. Keiski and Gyula Vatai
Use of photocatalysis for the removal of pesticides from water
Khawer Shafqat, Mika Huuhtanen, Anna Valtanen, Minna Pirilä and Riitta L. Keiski
Photocatalytic degradation of amoxicillin in aqueous streams
Chandrakanth Gadipelly, Minna Pirilä, Virendra K. Rathod, Kumudini V. Marathe,
Anna Valtanen, Mika Huuhtanen, Ganapati D. Yadav and Riitta L. Keiski
Advanced oxidation processes in industrial wastewater treatment – Photocatalytic degradation of bisphenol A
Mohammed Saouabe, Minna Pirilä, Anna Valtanen, Mika Huuhtanen, Satu Ojala and Riitta L. Keiski
Removal of phosphate over modified adsorbent from biomass gasification process
Sari Kilpimaa, Hanna Runtti, Ulla Lassi and Toivo Kuokkanen
Effect of temperature on the biodegradation (BOD value) of organic pollutants in municipal wastewater
Hanna Prokkola, Toivo Kuokkanen, Jaakko Rämö and Ulla Lassi
Development of water treatment chemicals and processes for industrial applications
Mirjam Karhu, Anni Keränen, Tiina Leiviskä, Marja Mikola and Juha Tanskanen
Water-soluble oxidized starch: An efficient metal complexing agent
Sanna Komulainen, Estibaliz Diaz, Jouni Pursiainen, Paavo Perämäki and Marja Lajunen
Advanced oxidation processes in industrial wastewater treatment
Ulla Lassi, Riitta L. Keiski and Kirsi Vähäkangas
Synthesis of starch sulfates in ionic liquid media and their use as a metal complexing agent in the ultrafiltration process
Johanna Kärkkäinen, Louis Maresse, Piia Häyrynen, Matti Niemelä, Ari Turpeinen, Riitta L. Keiski and Marja Lajunen
Mine water treatment with chemical precipitation using milk of lime and polymers
Emma-Tuulia Tolonen, Pekka Tynjälä, Hanna Runtti, Tero Luukkonen, Jaakko Rämö, Ulla Lassi
Water and wastewater treatment applications of peroxides
Tero Luukkonen, Hanna Prokkola, Jaakko Rämö, Ville Kaikkonen and Ulla Lassi
Electrochemical biosensor development for detection of eco-toxicological compounds in wastewater
Susanna Sonny, Daria Dalarico, Jarkko Räty and Adama M. Sesay
Development of capillary electrophoresis and electrochemical measurements for determining sulphur compounds in water samples
Tiina Tolonen, Tuija Kallio, Mari Jaakkola, Jarkko Räty and Vesa Virtanen
Characterization of activated sludge floc morphology through optical monitoring
Elisa Koivuranta, Tuomas Stoor and Jouko Niinimäki
The optical multi-sensor apparatus
Ilpo Niskanen, Reetaleena Rissanen, Jukka Räty, Pirjo Kyyrönen, Asta Leinonen and Kai-Erik Peiponen
Photocatalytic materials for water purification
Mika Huuhtanen, Anna Valtanen, Krisztian Kordas and Riitta L. Keiski
In science we trust? Stakeholder responses on scientific modeling in Rokua groundwater conflict
Lauri Rantala, Pekka Rossi, Timo P. Karjalainen and Simo Sarkki
Sustainability assessment of arsenic removal from natural waters by adsorption
Paula Saavalainen, Karan Chavan, Minna Pirilä, Piia Häyrynen, Antonio Dominguez-Ramos, Kumudini V. Marathe, Ganapati D. Yadav, Angel Irabien, Eva Pongrácz and Riitta L. Keiski
Water vs. energy – Finding hidden energy potential to provide clean water
Eva Pongrácz, Lauri Mikkonen, Noora Miilumäki and Niko Hänninen
Heat recovery from wastewater: Assessing the potential in northern areas
Lauri Mikkonen, Jaakko Rämö, Riitta Keiski and Eva Pongrácz
Stochastic optimal operative control of water distribution systems
István Selek and József Gergely Bene
From rivers to roads: Timber transportation in Northern Finland after WWII
Niko Hänninen
Finnish experience in oil spill prevention and response in the Baltic Sea
Elena Fedorova, Niko Hänninen and Eva Pongrácz
Developing an oil spill response system for the Barents Sea: Laboratory study of oil slick behaviour in sea water in different weather conditions and the effect of dispersants
Nikolay Dedkov, Raisa Ripachova, Elena Gorshenina, Olga Mikhailova and Eva Pongrácz
Indicators of water security in Arctic Health context: Results from an international workshop discussion
Arja Rautio

WaRes Proceedings
The Conference Proceedings is published as a book.
Registration to the conference will entitlr participants to a free copy
of the proceedings book.
Conference programme
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Contact information:
Eva Pongrácz
University of Oulu
NorTech Oulu, Thule Institute
PO BOX 7300
tel. 0294 48 7417
