Prof. Eva Pongrácz
Former director of NorTech Oulu (2008-2015)
Currently head of the Energy and Environmental Engineering Research Unit, Faculty of Technology (since 1.1.2016)
Contact information
University of Oulu
Energy and Environmental Engineering
PO BOX 4300
tel. +358 294 48 7417
University of Oulu, Linnanmaa
Faculty of Technology, room TF 308
Professor of energy systems and environmental engineering
Docent in industrial environmental engineering, especially
in industrial ecology and resources management in production
Homepage at Energy and Environmental Engineering
Doctor of Science in Technology (environmental engineering) (D.Sc.(Tech.))
2002, University of Oulu
Re-defining the concepts of waste and waste management:
Evolving the Theory of Waste Management
Licentiate of Science in Technology (environmental technology) (Lic.Sc.(Tech.))
1998, Tampere University of Technology
The environmental impacts of packaging
Doctor Universitatis (environmental economics) (Dr. Univ.)
1996, Budapest University of Technology and Economics
The environmental impacts of packaging (In Hungarian)
Master of Science in Engineering (industrial engineering) (M.Sc.(Eng.))
1991, Budapest University of Technology and Economics
The role of packaging in marketing communication (In Hungarian)
Research interests
Waste and resources management, Industrial Ecology,
Smart and sustainable energy networks, Sustainability assessment
- Industrial Ecology
- Municipal and industrial waste management
- Sustainable development
- Environmental issues of the Barents region
- Introduction to the socio-economic issues of the Barents region
- Smart grids
