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Tuesday, May 14th, University of Oulu, Environmental Sciences building (Paavo Havaksentie 3), IT112




8.30–9.00 Registration, coffee

9.00–11.30 Session one - Development of public and light traffic transportation

* How far are we from ecocities? Eva Pongrácz, Univeristy of Oulu, NorTech Oulu

* Light traffic transporation in the context of land use planning, Helka-Liisa Hentilä, University of Oulu, Dept. of Architecture

* Development of bicycle, pedestrian and public transportation network in Oulu, Timo Perälä, Navico Ltd

* Future or light traffic tranportation and public transportation - case of Hiukkavaara, Tuomo Vesajoki, Ramboll Ltd

* Urban biking planning and development in Russia, Denis Chistov, City planning and Development Bureau of Moscow-Dubna


11.30–12.30 Lunch break (lunch at own costs)


12.30–14.00 Session two - Benefits of biking and winter biking

* Oulu - the winter biking capital, Timo Perälä, Navico Ltd

* Evaluation of health and economic benefits, Niko Hänninen, NorTech Oulu


14.00–14.30 Coffee break


14.30–16.00 Session three - Safety and attractiveness of biking

* Is biking safe?, Heino Heikkinen, Center of Economic Development, Traffic and Environment

* Making cycling irresistible - Lessons from Western Europe and North America, Ralph Buehler, Virginia Tech

* Results of the quiz and closing of the event




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