PeTeKe-seminar in Petrozavodsk on
21st of April
On 21st of April about 30 people had
gathered at the premises of Karelian Ministry of
Agriculture in Petrozavodsk to hear about the
findings of the PeTeKe-project. Local farmers,
authorities, researchers and other specialists
working in the potato sector had been invited to
take part in the seminar. The Minister for
Agriculture, Mr Grigory Malyinov opened the
seminar, after which the speakers were given the
word. |
Project manager Niko Hänninen from NorTech Oulu started
the presentations by providing infromation about the
background of the project and the project activities.
After him senior researcher Elina Virtanen from MTT
Ruukki, who is also the responsible leader of the
project, told more about the results of the field
experiments, especially related to the use of the potato
cultivas and fertilisation. Virtanen brought forward
some central observations and recommendations, which
should be taken into account, if higher and better
potato yields are desired.
After lunch researcher Lea Hiltunen from MTT Ruukki
continued with the presentation of the field experiment.
This time the focus was on plant diseases and their
prevention. The listeners were told about the plant
disease situation in Karelia and recommendations were given
how to control and prevent them. The most vital issue in
this is the use of clean, disease free seed potato. Farmer
Andrey Sosunkevitsh, brought this up also in his own
presentation, as he told about his own experiences from
potato cultivation.
Seed potatoes were on the agenda during the final part of
the seminar, when the focus was on potato seed bank. Elina
Virtanen told briefly about production of disease free seed
poatoes and a DVD-movie abou the topic was shown to the
participants. After this docent Larisa Kuznetsova from
PetrSU told about her own experiences and observations from
her trip to Finland. She had been able to visit the FInnish
Seed Potato Centre and also take part in the production of
disease free potato. She also told about the plans to form a
seed bank in Karelia by using potato cultivas, which had
been purified in Finland.
More information about the seminar:
Programme of the
seminar (in RUS)
by Elina Virtanen (in RUS)
by Lea Hiltunen (in RUS)