Second part of the CEPEK training has began
The first part of the
CEPEK training had not even been completed, when the focus had
to be set on the second training programme. Feedback was
collected during the training events, and based on this the
lecturers updated their training plans. The aim was that after
the study programme had been implemented for the first time,
it would be repeated again in a better form, taking into
account the prevous experiences. The training to be
given to the second group would be identical withe the
previous study programme. The main difference was that Russian
teachers would have a greater role in the training. Also, the
contents of the trainings were to be finetuned, but there
would not be other major changes.
selection of students for the new programme was made in the
factories and 16 people were chosen for the second study
programme, which began on 6th and 7th of April. The teachers of
PetrSU held then the first lecture for the group, which was the
Basics of Economics course. Laready in the following week it was
time for the first training given by Jukka Koivukoski from POHTO
Ltd. He lectured about the basics of production planning,
which gave the students concrete toosl and information for their
everyday work. These, newly learned skills were put into a test
during the last week of April, when the students were on a study
trip to POHTO.
As with the first training group, which visited POHTO in
November, also the new students had a big task in their
hands. They had to guide a fictional company, Green
Power Ltd, through the risky seas of fertilisation
markets in a simulation, which organised in the training
factory of POHTO. The students had to use their skills
in production planning and management and try to make
their company profitable in circumstances, which
reminded real life as much as possible. For this
excercise POHTO has an actual, working production
facility, which is connected to computers. With one
computer you can control the production, with others
sales, purchases, etc. |
The CEO of Green Power Ltd
assigns tasks for the staff - who will be responsible
for what? |
The teachers of POHTO represented external forces in the
simulation - suppliers, bankers, purchasers - whereas
the students were responsible for the operations of the
company. Three one hour long sessions were carried
out, in which each hour stood for one year in the
company's life. After each simulation the accounts of
the company were calculated and the auditors informed
how the company had fared, whether it made loss or
profit. Then it was time to focus on the causes behind
the result and to make new plans for next year. A new
year was then started and when 60 minutes had gone it
was time to see if the situation had changed. |
The robot of the production line
- can the maximum production capacity be reached? |
Workers at their tasks - in sales,
planning, production and other departments |
Will there be extra bonuses for
the staff - the auditors give their verdict |
The excersice was well liked among the students. It became
very clear, how the different parts of the companies are all
linked to one other, what kind of cause - impact relations
dominate the company's life. The training programme
continues again on 12th and 13th of May in Kostomuksha with
a new lecture about production planning and management.
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