The Green Ways seminar was held in Oulu - cycling the cities greener
The second Greensettle seminar was organised in Oulu on 13th of May. The topic of the seminar was public and light transporation as part of environmental friendly Green Cities (seminar programme can be found from here), which was dealt in presentations given by experts from Russia, the United States and Finland. There were about 30 participiants in the seminar and numerous others followed it live online as event unfolded..
The seminar was opened by Eva Pongrácz with her presentation on How far are we from ecocities? After that Helka-Liisa Hentilä from the Department of Architecture, University of Oulu, laid down the foundation for the morning session with a presentation about the light traffic transportation in the planning of land use. Then the past, present and future of light transportation in Oulu were discussed by Timo Perälä from Navico Ltd and Tuomo Vesajoki from Ramboll Ltd. Timo's presentation explained how Oulu got its vast bike road network, whereas Tuomo shed light to the future of things from the point of view of Hiukkavaara, a new city centre currently under planning in Oulu. Before lunch Denis Chistov had a chance to present his home town, Dubna, where bicycling has been more common than in many other Russian cities. |
Denis Chistov from City of Dubna, close to Moscow, Russia, told about the unique bicycling history of this "science city" and about the recent the bicycle network developments in Moscow. |
After lunch Timo was on the stage again and presented Oulu from the point of view of winter biking, which was followed by presentation about the health and economic benefits of the cycling. Unfortunattely, the experts of this topic were unable to attend the seminar and therefore Niko Hänninen from NorTech gave a short presentation about these issues, which are getting more and more emphasis in planning of transportation infrastructures.
In the final session Heino Heikkinen from the ELY-Center asked a question that had puzzled many participants - Is Biking Safe? Safety issues were included also on Ralph Buehler's presentation, which dealt in general with the attractiveness of biking and how this could be increased.
Finally, it was time to reward the "best brains" and to reveal the results of the cycling safety quiz. Judging by the answers, the participants seem to know the basics of traffic safety, but there is still room to improve. Even tough the bicyclist does not have a metal protection like the car driver does, by following the traffic rules and wearing a bike helmet biking can be safe. In addition to that, as was found out during the seminar, biking is benficial to your health and to the environment and it is lots of fun! |

The seminar could be followed online. Ralph Buehler gave his presentation from his office at Virginia Tech, close to Washington D.C. Distance and time difference are not obstacles, if there is will! |
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